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簡要描述:Marker Gene 廣州鴻程代理 始終致力于面向生命科學領域,從事科研機構及生產(chǎn)企業(yè)所需的各類原料、試劑、耗材、儀器等的專業(yè)進出口公司。專門從事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 現(xiàn)貨,moltox 11-101.5等現(xiàn)貨, 706020/706025現(xiàn)貨,Megazyme的大部分現(xiàn)貨
品牌 | 其他品牌 | 適用領域 | 科研 |
產(chǎn)地 | 進口 | 加工定制 | 是 |
Marker genes are essential to obtain transplastomic plants. However, as soon as plastid transformation is accomplished, removal of the marker genes is highly desirable. There is only a small number of efficient plastid marker genes; removal of the marker allows a second round of engineering using the same marker gene. Also, release of crops with selectable marker genes is undesirable due to regulatory concerns. Furthermore, the marker genes may be expressed at a high level, imposing an unnecessary metabolic burden on the crop.
Multiple approaches have been developed for the removal of marker genes from the plastid genome. The most efficient system uses the P1 phage CRE-loxP site-specific recombination system (Figure 7). According to the CRE-loxP scheme, the marker gene and the gene of interest are introduced into the plastid genome in the absence of CRE activity. The marker gene is flanked by two directly oriented lox sites. When elimination of the marker gene is required, a gene encoding a plastid-targeted CRE site-specific recombinase is introduced into the nucleus which, subsequent to its import in plastids, excises sequences between the loxP sites. In tobacco, removal of the marker gene extends the time needed to obtain marker-free plants only by 1 month.